Organic waste gas activated carbon absorption filter box

First, what is activated carbon? It is a very fine particle with a large surface area and small capillary pores. It has a very reasonable adsorption energy and can fully contact with industrial waste gas due to its large surface area. When the exhaust gas hits the capillary tube, it will be adsorbed, thereby achieving the purification effect Exhaust Gas Treatment. The Activated Carbon Box works by being powered by a fan. When the exhaust gas enters the adsorption box and then enters the activated carbon adsorption layer, due to the unbalanced, unsaturated molecular gravity or chemical binding force remaining on the exhaust gas, when the surface of the activated carbon comes into contact with the exhaust gas, it will attract gas molecules, causing them to gather and remain in the Activated carbon surface. This phenomenon is called adsorption. In this way, the exhaust gas can contact the activated carbon adsorbent through the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon adsorbent surface.…

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