ZF Transmission pump 0501208765 for Liugong856

ZF gearbox has excellent performance and is widely used in loaders, graders, forklifts, etc. Part number of traveling variable speed pump: 0501208765.The full name of German ZF Company is ZFFRIEDRICHSHAFENAG (ZF Corporation in Friedrichshafen, referred to as ZF Company), which is one of the most important professional manufacturers of transmission system products in the world today. ZF was founded in 1915 by German Count Zeppelin, specializing in the manufacture of airship transmission systems. Later, it quickly developed into an important partner of the emerging automotive industry at that time, and gradually expanded to other fields of transmission technology with continuous innovative products. Its main products are widely used in automobiles, tanks, special vehicles, aircraft, ships, construction machinery, agriculture, in addition to mechanical transmissions, wave automatic transmissions and various gearboxes, steering, drive axles, pumps, suspension systems and electromagnetic cl…

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