Cycloastragenol powder of boosting immunity extract What is the best cycloastragenol powder? Cycloastragenol of herbal extract is a compound obtained from astragalus that plays an important role in activating telomeres. It also helps kill cancer cells, heal burns, and protect against heart disease. Researchers at the University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center, reported that astragalus improved the immune system. What is cycloastragenol used for? Cycloastragenol of antibacterial ingredients has a steroidal skeleton of tetracyclic triterpene and possesses diverse pharmacological activities such as anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, pro-wound healing, liver protection, and endothelial protection. What are the ingredients in cycloastragenol? Cycloastragenol is a saponin derived from Astralagus root, a tonic that has been widely used in Asia for thousands of years. Researchers from UCLA found that extracts from Astragalus such as Cycloastragenol and Astragaloside IV can boost…