1. 45 wool blended yarn, single yarn input, high cost performance, stable quality, easy and comfortable to wear, lightweight and soft. 2. Imported island precision computerized flatbed machine with 14 needles is used, and the whole piece takes 75 minutes to machine, with a 20 needle disc cover. 3. Classic round neck vest, easy to wear in daily fashion, with a casual style of neutral temperament; layered layering and fashionable single wearing. 4. The side colored webbing is embellished with resin buckles of the same color scheme, making it small and delicate; daily wear can be done by opening two buttons and splitting them to create a more flexible fit.5. This style of clothing is popular due to its casual and stylish appearance, making it a great choice for both everyday wear and as a layering piece. Striped tank tops can come in various colors such as black and white, navy and white, or even multicolored stripes. They are made from lightweight materials like jersey, which makes them…