Number digit Code Digit Code Lock Safe Round Students Dial Security Rotary Aluminum Zinc Alloy Combination Padlock This lock is dependable and offers a high level of security, making it suitable for storage lockers and sheds. The hardened ¾" steel shackle is highly resistant to prying, cutting, and sawing attempts, ensuring enhanced protection. It has a stainless steel body and comes with a factory-set combination. There is an optional key override feature that provides an alternative means of access. The master key, however, needs to be purchased separately. It provides strong protection against manipulation, being able to secure both valuables and goods of relatively lower value or those with a lower risk of theft. The various combinations are printed on the back of the padlocks. You can take a picture and save it on your mobile phone, or write it down, or simply remember it. After that, remove the password sheet or erase the printed information.