FRUCTO-OLIGOSACCHARIDE(FOS) PRODUCT INTRODUCE : Fructo-oligosaccharide(FOS)is also known as Fucto-oligo, it directly enters into large intestine without being digested and absorbed by human body, and in intestine it rapidly promotes reproduction of bididobactirium and other probiotics, so it is also called “Bifidus Factor”. FOS's Viscosity is slightly lower than sucrose solution and the Water activity is slightly higer than sucrose at the same temperature and concentration (NOTE:Under 25℃ ,the water activity of sucrose saturated solution is 0.85) . It is stable to heat under neutral conditions and easy to decompose under acid heat conditions . It is slightly inferior to surose in colorability , and it has a strong moisture absorption . FUNCTION : Promoting reproduction of Bifidobactirium Preventing hot-gas and getting Improving the function of intestine , preventing constipation Enhancing immunity and resi…