grey blood collection tube

Grey cap collection tubes for blood have abandoned the conventional potassium oxalate-NaFanticoagulation systemand have creatively adopted the globally leading com- posite anticoagulationsystemWhilehaving maintained the functions ofinhibitglycometab-olism and prevent qlucose degradation ofconventional grey cap tubes they have avoided the riskof extrinsic blood coaqulation and hemolyticso as to ensure the long-time stability of blood qlucose specimen. In clinical blood tests, flowing blood is sometimes used as specimenwhich doesn't need to separate out plasma or cell.This one is so called the whole Blood Collection Tube. The advantage and disadvantage of whole blood collection tubes in clinical application depends to the volume and state of cell maintained by anticoagulation system.Among them,the most representative one is purple cap tubes for blood collection in addition. there are black cap tubes for blood sedimentation tests and dynamicblood sedimentation tubes.…

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