Laser safety is the key important thing during laser operation. CNI can offer proper laser goggles that protect from laser damage. The lenses are constructed to seal absorbent dyes * in rigid polycarbonate to provide excellent crack resistance and prevent subtle scratches from affecting laser protection.The optical density (OD) and LB grades of a particular wavelength range are printed on the lens or frame and cannot be erased for permanent recognition without blocking the view. As the leading manufacturer and supplier in China, CNI is dedicated to offer best quality lasers , laser systems, High power laser, optical measuring equipment, Single longitudinal mode laser, laser processing equipment, High energy laser,machine vision and the photoelectric detection equipment. 11Features: Absorbent dye sealed in rigid polycarbonate lenses (not brittle) Surface scratches do not reduce the optical density of the lens Reasonable and affordable protective goggles High leve…