Aluminum Alloy Die Caasting Material structure Pure aluminum has a low density (ρ=2.7g/cm3), about one-third of iron, and a low melting point (660 ℃). Aluminum has a face centered cubic structure, so it has high plasticity (δ: 32-40%), ψ:70~90%), Easy to process, can be made into various profiles and plates, with good corrosion resistance. However, the strength of pure aluminum is very low, and the σ b value in the annealed state is about 8kgf/mm2, so it is not suitable as a structural material. Through long-term production practice and scientific experiments, people have gradually strengthened aluminum by adding alloying elements and using heat treatment methods, which has resulted in a series of aluminum alloy spare parts. The alloy formed by adding certain elements can maintain the advantages of pure aluminum being lightweight while also having high strength, The values of σ b can reach 24-60kgf/mm2, respectively. This makes its specific strength (the rat…