◆Ingredients Ca+Mg ≥100g/L bioactive peptide ≥50g/L nitrate nitrogen ≥100g/L Product introduction: This product has the characteristic of fast dissolution speed due to our unique process. It is specially added the active peptide with patent technology, make the calcium element be organic chelate state, so that can effectively delay the fixation of calcium ions by acid ions, thus improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, save labor and time. Product function: 1.Nourish and strengthen root: It can promote cell division and proliferation, that will contribute to the growth of new roots and the regeneration of old roots. 2.Disease resistance and disease prevention: It can prevent deformed fruit, blossom-end root, heart rot and other physiological diseases. 3.Increase production and income: It contains chelated secondary element and trace element, easier to be absorbed, timely supplies the nutrients for plants, improves f…