EN 14399-3 EN 14399-4 Heavy Structural Bolt Yokelink Structural Bolts are a specialized heavy type of hex bolt intended for use in large structures, such as buildings and bridges.This bolt is designed to withstand the loads of steel-to-steel structural connections.They contain a flat, washer-faced bearing surface and a chamfered thread point. Galvanized plating protects the bolt from corrosion; typically used in outdoor applications. EN 14399-3 EN 14399-4 Basic Bolt Dimensions BS EN 14399-3 Hexagon bolting assemblies for preloading (System HR) Typical assemblies to BS EN 14399 (Systemn HR) include hexagon head bolt (HR Bolt) to BS EN 14399-3,hexagon nut to EN 14399-3 and hard washer to BS EN 14399-5 (used under the nut) or chamfered hard washer BS EN 14399-6(usually used under bolt head).Additionally, for full compliance with k-Class K0, our company supplyDirect Tension Indicator washers to BS EN 14399-9 For grade 10.9 assemblies, together with DTI wash…