Outdoor 2 core ofc multi core 2f fiber optic cable price Description for fiber drop: The optical fiber unit is positioned in the centre. Two parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) or steel wires or KFRP are placed at the two sides.Then another FRP as the additional strength member is also applied. Then the cable is completed with a grey or black LSZH sheath. Product Name:2 core ofc cable price,drop cables,2f fiber optic cable price,fiber to the home ftth,multi core fiber cable,ftth fiber,lszh optical cable,2 core fiber drop cable single fiber cable cross section: Technical parameter Items Specifications Fiber Type G.657A2(Fujikura Joint-venture Manufacture or Draka) Colored fiber 1(Colored Green) Strength Member 2pcs*0.5mm FRP Self-supporting Unit/Messenger 1.2mm FRP Outer Jacket Dimension (2.0± 0.1 mm)…