12W medical power supply adapter blood pressure

LXCP12X-aaabbbcd: -LXCP= Longxc medical adapter -12X=Name of the series - aaa= “036” _ “168” stands for the output voltage. “036” means 3.6V, “042” means 4.2V ,“050” means 5.0V, “060” means 6.0V, “075” means 7.5V ,“090” means 9V, “100” means 10.0V , “110” means 11.0V “120” means 12.0V , “135” means 13.5V “136” means 13.6V. - bbb=3 digits with range of "010"-"225" step by 0.01A, which stands for output current. "001" means 0.01A "225" means 2.25A. Details refer to the below table: Model number Output current range LXCP12X-036bbbcd bbb="010"-"225",0.1A-2.25A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-042bbbcd bbb="010"-"225",0.1A -2.25A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-050bbbcd bbb="010"-"225",0.1A -2.25A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-060bbbcd bbb="010"-"225",0.1A -2.25A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-075bbbcd bbb="010"-"160",0.1A -1.6A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-090bbbcd bbb="010"-"150",0.1A -1.5A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-100bbbcd bbb="010"-"120",0.1A -1.2A step by 0.01A LXCP12X-110bbbcd bbb="…

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