SJ-Small-5 Compact Type Fiber Optical Splice Closure box 1. The Parts of Splice Tray A. Splice Module with 4 Cable ties 2.4 X 92mm B. Splice Organizer C. Box Size:230×200×50mm L×W×D 2. Installation Procedure: 2.1 Cable Preparation (1)Cable Sequentially through Sealing Nut, Sealing Claws, Seal and through the Closure Bottom Case, allow appropriate fiber lengths for placement within the Splice Tray. (2)Tighten the Sealing Nut, and then proceed with stripping of fiber cable inside the Closure Bottom Case. (3)Repeat steps(1)and(2)until cable preparation is complete. 2.2Cable Fixation (1)Loosen the Sealing Nut,adjust cable to the appropriate length, and tighten the Sealing Nut to fix cable in place. (2)Repeat step(1)for rest of the cable to complete this procedure. Caution:(1)For non-functional entrance ports, brown solid plugs provided are to be used with the sealing assembly to ensure a good seal. (2)Solid plugs should protru…